

当你刚开始世界杯押注的时候 在敏捷团队中, it’ll usually take a few sprints to get into a rhythm that feels natural—especially when it comes to figuring out each team member’s capacity. A story points system will help your team to assign a numerical value or label based on perceived size or effort of an initiative, assign a number of those stories based on 什么 you’ve determined someone can realistically complete in a given sprint.

例如, let’s say you don’t want any one individual to take on more than 20 points total in a two-week sprint. 一开始, there’s a real chicken 和 egg dilemma—if you don’t know how to properly assign points to a certain story or task, 你如何决定承担多少是可行的?

We recently asked the Think team for some advice about the 直截了当的 methods they’ve used to size stories in 敏捷设计和开发 项目. The following tips came out of a team discussion on how we’ve used various methods to size stories 和 efforts, 无论是对我们的客户还是对我们的代理公司.


你可能想知道:故事点到底是什么? Story points are metrics (numerical values) that account for both the 复杂性 和 effort a task will take—not solely the time. 例如, 较低的故事点估计可能意味着任务很简单, 直截了当的, 并且比具有高故事点估计的任务更省时.

注意事项等 风险, 复杂性, 重复 在评估过程中包括:

  • 是否存在依赖利益相关者或第三方的风险,可能会扭曲时间表?
  • 这个任务难完成吗?
  • 你的团队是否熟悉这个特性,并在任务中占据优势?
  • 你的设计师或开发人员的世界杯押注经验是否相同, 或者你的团队中存在任期和技能水平的混合?

故事点vs. 小时

While it can be tempting to think about story points as roughly equivalent to the 小时 a task or initiative is estimated to take,  故事点和时间,意在捕捉两种稍有不同的东西. 小时是指某件事可能花费的预计时间, 故事点捕获了完成任务的复杂元素,这是几个小时无法捕获的. 你可以假设一项任务需要2个小时才能完成, 例如, but a newer developer who has never used a specific tool before might take longer than a more experienced developer.


Using story point estimation in Agile will ultimately help your team work better in a number of ways:

  • You’ll become more nimble when managing sprints rather than forcing work into a rigid block of 小时
  • You reduce the 风险 of scope creep when 小时 ultimately fail to capture the actual time spent on complex tasks 和 initiatives
  • You can better-plan for the unexpected—like team members getting sick 和 needing others to cover their work, 或者是一个意外的技术问题,导致对特定任务的评估失效

故事点通常可以帮助团队管理不可避免的复杂性 不确定性 这需要在一个大的、长期的倡议上取得进展.


At this point you may be wondering how exactly to come up with accurate story points if the idea is to capture the unclear elements of getting something done. 下面是一些你可以采取的实用步骤, 实验, 并根据自己团队的需要进行调整, 项目, 和环境.

1. 选择一个故事点估算基线

您可以开始以努力或时间为基础来估计故事点的大小, 但是你的团队应该在一个一致的基线上达成一致,并以此为基础进行扩展.

开始的一个有用的活动是回顾上一个sprint中的故事, line up all the stories on a sliding scale based on how easy or complex the story is or was to complete. 例如,您可以创建一个基线故事,每个人都认为这是一个中等水平的世界杯押注. 然后,您可以将所有未来的故事估计与此进行比较,通过降低或提高.


一旦你安排好了你的故事,你就可以叠加一个 斐波那契序列. 任何在天平最左边的(或“容易”),给“1”.任何在最右边的(更复杂的),给“13”或更多. Stories that were so complex that they weren’t completed or felt like they exceeded 13+ should be broken down into smaller, 用小块来增加在未来冲刺中成功完成任务的可能性.


另一种方法是尝试根据t恤的尺寸(S)来估计努力的效果, M, L, XL, 等.). 你可以在几天内估计出t恤的尺寸——通常不少于半天的增量. So, “小”指的是半天到一整天的世界杯押注, “中等”是一到两天的世界杯押注, 而“大”则需要三到五天的时间. 然后,把超过“大号”的东西分开.”

一旦你的团队在冲刺中世界杯押注, 他们可能会意识到任务和计划比最初想象的更简单或更复杂, 您可以将这些知识应用到未来的故事点估计中.

敏捷是关于持续改进的,并使框架能够满足您的特定需求, 而不是反过来.

2. 用故事点矩阵对规模估计达成一致

故事点矩阵是一个文档化的, 关于如何将故事点分配给团队任务的商定的规模或定义, 对于你的具体倡议.

对于故事点估算,没有放之四海而皆准的方法, but it’s key that the team work together to reach consensus on why stories should be sized a certain way. Everyone on the team needs to be on the same page about 什么 sizes mean in terms of how feasible it is to complete an effort within a sprint. 很少有项目任务生活在真空中. 这有助于确保估算更加准确.

例如,每个团队成员带来不同的视角, the design 和 development team needs to review 什么 might seem like a simple design change to ensure it doesn’t impact the amount of time or even feasibility of the development process. 仅仅因为它在屏幕上看起来像一个小变化并不意味着它在代码中那么容易. Everyone should be aligned 和 share expectations around the feasibility of each story being completed or h和ed off in the estimated amount of time.

在最近的一个项目中, we made this story point estimation example to help the team underst和 how we could use this system before we decided to put it into practice


  • 确定你的团队完成的一项可量化的任务.g. “设计和构建任务栏”), 并使用历史数据来确定该任务的世界杯押注范围.
  • Take the next 5-10 features in your backlog, sort them as a team in order of biggest to smallest. 讨论你为什么那样订购. (哦,那个绝对是“大”的,因为我们没有api来获取那个数据. 伟大的! api的可用性可以用作评估未来功能的世界杯押注的一个数据点.)
  • Start to take note of 和 develop a common vocabulary 和 underst和ing of 什么 makes something big vs. 小的,介于两者之间. 将这些标准记录下来,以便在评估未来的功能时参考.

3. 分散敏捷项目的世界杯押注

您可以使用故事来确保团队在可用带宽上共享世界杯押注. 这意味着每个人都应该同意他们可以承担多少容量, points-wise, 在每次冲刺中.

评估的目标是确保没有人超载. 这可能看起来像确保某人不会得到所有的高努力或高时间的故事. It’s okay if one person is always taking on an 8-point story each sprint (a larger effort that may take two weeks), while someone else takes on two 3-point stories plus a 2-point story (in which each story may take 2-3 days each). 也许一个团队成员有更多的设计执行类型的角色, 所以他们每次冲刺更有可能得到20分, but someone in a higher-level role with more directional responsibilities may take on 5 story points each sprint.

在这里,成功的关键在于1)开放的沟通,以保持团队的一致性和一致性; 持续改进

4. 根据过去的故事点估计调整sprint

When you start working through stories that have been estimated using the system you establish as a team, 您可能会注意到您的大小估计是错误的, 或者你需要做些调整.

This is a good time to revisit the stories you have completed during this sprint 和 drop them on another sliding scale from easy to complex. Ask yourself if you’d estimate them again the same way that you did at the beginning of the sprint, 知道你现在知道的. 如果不是, it’s a good time to reflect on 什么 exactly surprised you about this story 和 why you’d size it differently in retrospect.

例如, 团队的一些成员可能会报告这样的事情, “这是一个中号, 但我花了5天时间才完成.“试着深入调查 什么 关于那个你一开始不知道的故事, 并将其纳入未来评估的标准中. 记住,你不可能每次都做到完美. 故事点会发生变化,这没关系.


Let’s say your team is working on designing 和 developing an employee portal for an insurance company. 他们正在努力 研究阶段的敏捷故事评估过程,其中包括利益相关者访谈和数据分析. They’ve given the stakeholder interviews a higher numerical story point estimation than data compilation, 但是为什么? The effort of scheduling 和 securing time with each stakeholder makes this a higher-风险 task because the team is depending on multiple outside sources 和 schedules. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, the data analysis has a lower numerical story point estimation because it will be completed in-house by your team of experts who do this on a regular basis.


这个过程是一个学习的过程. 在现实中,团队很容易沉迷于完美的敏捷, 该框架旨在作为入门指南. 如果您在敏捷故事点估算过程中包括来自每个部门的代表, 尽可能全面地考虑每一项任务, 并回顾每个任务的最终结果,以提高将来的准确性, 你做得很好. 您不需要为自己的实现应用通过/失败规则.

Over time—if your team is working together 和 communicating openly during sprint cycles—the process of sizing stories will come more naturally, 帮助你的团队更有效地世界杯押注, 确保你的项目按时按预算完成.




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