


而医疗信息门户的概念有时被称为 MedInfo门户-是令人兴奋的,经验往往是令人失望的. 许多制药公司的参与度都很低, 和 healthcare providers (HCPs) often say they’re frustrated using pharma-sponsored portals. 

Investing in your MedInfo portal can feel like a lot of work just to provide a slightly better user experience. 毕竟, most HCPs are just looking for information—if you have the required data on your site, 你为什么要进一步投资?

经过多年 设计有效的MedInfo门户网站, we’ve seen our partners experience tremendous results when providing a better experience for healthcare providers. A thoughtfully-designed MedInfo portal can help HCPs deliver better patient outcomes 和 strengthen the relationship between healthcare professionals 和 pharma companies. 

无论是改进现有门户还是从头开始构建, 你的公司可以从投资中获益 UX 内容策略 在您的MedInfo门户中.


当我们提到MedInfo门户时, we’re talking about websites built 和 maintained by pharma businesses to share product information 和 engage with customers. 这些门户网站上的内容各不相同. There is usually both promotional 和 non-promotional content—和 choosing the right balance is critical.    

MedInfo门户网站上的内容应该加强与医疗服务提供者的关系, 提高数字参与度, 并帮助医疗保健提供者感到既被支持又知情. 

There are many ways that a thoughtfully-designed portal can be an asset to your business. 以下是我们看到的三个最大的好处.



One of the primary benefits our partners have experienced when they invest in their MedInfo门户 is the increased efficiency that comes with improved team collaboration.

A 结构化内容模型和治理过程—two critical components to a comprehensive 内容策略—help streamline legal, 医疗, 监管审查, 允许您的组织更快地发布内容. 建立你的 内容管理系统 (CMS) with built-in safeguards 和 best practices translates to easier 和 more efficient content creation—not to mention better relationships between your br和, 医疗, 审查小组.

Containing all of your 医疗 content 和 product information in a single repository also supports a “write-once, publish everywhere” strategy—which is especially valuable for organizations maintaining separate content databases. You can streamline your processes to flow from a single database of content that can be used to create web pages in your portal, 医疗回应信, 呼叫中心一字不差, 医疗保健信息, 以及聊天机器人的反应.


而有效的门户则充当hcp的“前门”, 为用户提供一站式服务, 还有其他操作上的好处. The single most important internal benefit is that your organization now has a scalable tool for responding to requests in a compliant manner, 减少单独响应常见请求所需的时间.     

Content contained within a singular repository also lessens the cost of maintaining multiple platforms. 当标签发生变化时,拥有一个事实来源可以更容易地审查内容, 和 reduces the resources required to ensure content is reviewed in a predictable schedule.

看病人的时间越来越少了, healthcare professionals increasingly rely on digital methods when seeking 医疗 information. They often resort to human-to-human interactions only when they can’t find the data they need. While it’s valuable to provide healthcare providers with the ability to speak to your team members directly, you can dramatically reduce call center volume by offering more comprehensive information through your digital portals.    


在世界杯押注, we focus on improving customer 和 employee experiences through enterprise-scale digital platforms. A MedInfo portal ties these two experiences together, allowing you to improve both at once. 在理想的情况下, a mature portal can also replicate many typical face-to-face activities between HCPs 和 company reps—benefitting both groups at the same time.


We can navigate complex regulatory 和 legal environments to help you improve (or build) your 医疗 information portal.

Developing a sophisticated measurement strategy for your portal analytics can also provide insights to your br和 和 医疗 teams. 分析可以通过跟踪指向门户的关键字来揭示市场趋势, 门户中使用的关键字, 以及与这些关键词相关的用户行为. 例如, a trend in ab和oned search terms may provide insights into competitive products or unknown interactions with new products on the market.

Some organizations’ regulatory needs require they gate more sensitive information behind a login to ensure compliance. 如果您的门户属于这一类, 用户体验可以有效地与您的组织世界杯押注平台在一起 CRM, providing insight to marketing teams 和 empowering them to do “next-best-action” marketing. This means that your portal captures analytics that can point to the logical next step for users based on activity 和 queries, 和 provides you with the data to create a better customer experience in the future.

A portal with a user login also allows you to customize the user experience for different HCP roles, 为全科医生提供定制服务, 专家, 护士, 零售药剂师, 机构药剂师, 办公室世界杯押注人员, 以及其他医疗保健专业人员.


MedInfo门户网站的投资似乎是一项低优先级的投资. 只要你在登陆页面上有必要的信息, what’s the benefit of devoting precious time 和 resources to building a complex portal? 

We’ve partnered with pharmaceutical companies to build effective MedInfo门户 since our foundation in 2007. 纵观历史, we’ve facilitated hundreds of discussions with HCPs about their needs 和 preferences, 和 navigated the complex regulatory 和 legal environments our clients operate in.      

Our partners have experienced greater efficiency 和 improved team collaboration, 降低运营成本, 为hcp和他们自己带来价值. 无论您是在改进现有门户还是从头开始构建, these benefits are available for your organization when you invest in UX 和 内容策略 for your MedInfo门户.    

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